the Way, the Truth, the Life 07 4725 2082

Meet the Executive Team

Annandale Christian College employs highly professional and skilled staff across all facets of College life including academic, sporting, cultural and administrative fields.

All staff members who work across a range of roles and responsibilities are active, committed Christians whose faith is lived out before the remainder of the College community on a daily basis. This is not a claim of ‘perfection’, because we all make mistakes and are open to constructive criticism, but it is a commitment to integrity and to responding to others in ways that honour the Biblical character of the College.

All teaching staff comply with accreditation requirements of the Queensland College of Teachers, and participate in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities which reflect the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to ensure both the continual refinement of teaching pedagogy and the effective modelling of the ‘life-long’ learning valued by the College.

At Annandale, clear communication is considered to be one of the most important factors in developing and supporting positive relationships within the College community. Our staff endeavour to communicate regularly and effectively in order to promote a safe and nurturing environment that is conducive to the academic, emotional, social and spiritual growth of each individual student.

Mr Marcelle Calitz

Position: Principal

Mr Aidan Frewen-Lord

Position: Deputy Principal - Primary

Mr Malcolm (Mal) Schneider

Position: Deputy Principal - Secondary

Mrs Jenny Davis

Position: Business Manager

Mrs Cathi Sands

Position: Enrolments and Administration Manager