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Governance | Annandale Christian College Board & Membership

Townsville Christian Education Association (TCEA)

Annandale Christian College is owned and governed by the Townsville Christian Education Association (TCEA) Ltd through its Board of Directors. The Directors are elected by, and from within, the membership of the TCEA. 

Why join the TCEA?

The TCEA is a group of like-minded people who value and maintain the vision of Christian Education. TCEA members are active Christians and, in general, are parents of children currently attending the college (or who have children recently graduated from the college). Why? We believe parents need to be actively involved in the education of their children. CEN was formerly known as Christian Parent Controlled Schools to distinguish itself from schools 'controlled' by government, church or denominations.

How to join the TCEA

Members must be over the age of 18; fully subscribe to the Statement of Christian Beliefs in the Association's Constitution; be an active member of a local evangelical congregation; and pay a small annual membership subscription. If you are interested in becoming an association member or would like more information, please download the membership form and fill in the application at the bottom of the document. Email your completed form to the Board at or feel free to speak to any of our current serving board members.

Download the TCEA Membership form

Board of Directors

Board members act on behalf of the members of the school Association in relation to their legal obligations (including financial), in much the same way that the board of a company operates, although Annandale’s Board members do so in a voluntary capacity.

A maximum of nine (9) directors are elected by the financial members of the Association at its Annual General Meeting for a term of up to three years. These directors bring a broad range of giftings and professional expertise to their role of governance of an educational institution. Directors may be re-elected for further terms of three years as outlined in the Constitution.

The Board sees its role as broad oversight – i.e. setting the future vision of the college and planning towards its realisation, matters of policy and direction-setting for the Principal, and empowering the Principal and staff to deliver outcomes within the boundaries set by those policies.

Board members are well-informed about all areas of the college’s operations via information provided regularly by the Principal and other executive staff at monthly Board meetings, other members of the Annandale community, and various committees. They take their responsibility very seriously to govern wisely and to make prayerful and informed decisions from a biblical and Christian worldview perspective.

Mr Lindsay Ward

Position:  Board Chair / Board Director

Mr Peter Hartin

Position: Board Secretary / Board Director

Mr Robert Bell

Position: Board Director

Mr Brandon Lewis

Position: Board Director

Mrs Linda Morris

Position: Board Director