the Way, the Truth, the Life 07 4725 2082

Our Distinctives

Our Vision

To be a college that celebrates
life and learning
through Christ-centred Education 

Our Mission

To provide quality, Christ-centred education 
through a partnership of parents, teachers and students 
which recognises the Lordship of Christ 
and the integrity of the Scriptures

Our Distinctives

Annandale Christian College is a double-stream, coeducational Kindergarten (4 year olds) to Year 12 school of over 600 students located in residential Annandale – a suburb in close proximity to Australian Defence Force Base, Lavarack Barracks, the Townsville Hospital and James Cook University.

The College exists to assist Christian parents (and others who catch hold of, and value, our vision) to raise wise, happy, obedient and kind students who are well-prepared to serve and influence their community. We do that by striving to teach excellently and by pursuing personal and team excellence in an environment that focuses learning within a distinctively Christ-centred framework.

We do not claim to do that perfectly because we have no perfect leaders, staff or students. But we are on an educational journey where our Christian faith is not disconnected from learning; where we value one another because God made each one; where acquisition of knowledge is very important but godly wisdom and Christian character are more excellent goals; where Science and Maths, History, Geography, English, the Arts and Physical Education acknowledge the Creator and teachers look for authentic, contextual ways to apply the knowledge and skills that are learned; and where staff and students fall down, get up, forgive, and demonstrate grace and hope.

Through a partnership of parents and staff anchored in God’s Truth, hope and love, we desire to raise students who love and glorify God, and who serve Him and others.

The College is a member school of Christian Education National (CEN) – an association of 57 like-minded Christian schools around Australia – and Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ).

Please watch this video from the National Institute for Christian Education on the influence of a teacher: