the Way, the Truth, the Life 07 4725 2082

Parents & Friends

The Parents and Friends Fellowship (P&F) is open to all parents, friends and supporters of the College. The group meets monthly at times that best suit the community, and meeting times are advertised through the College weekly Newsletter, on the website and via email to regular supporters.

In some schools the role of the P & F is rather narrow – i.e. focused on fund-raising - but, at Annandale, the P&F’s unofficial motto is Community before Cash and their contribution includes:

  • promoting the College by modelling an excellent Christian community;
  • being a further vehicle of advice, consultation and communication between parents, friends and teachers and the College Leadership Team and Board;
  • providing voluntary assistance (e.g. catering for College functions);
  • fund-raising;
  • marketing and promotion; and
  • creating an opportunity for the P&F to know and understand the Vision and Mission of Annandale Christian College

We are always pleased to welcome new members to the P&F and encourage them to bring along their ideas and enthusiasm to our meetings.

P & F Team Meetings 2025:

  • 31st March in G2 at 6.30pm.
  • 12th May in G2 at 6.30pm.
  • 2nd June in G2 at 6.30pm.
  • 28th July Annual General Meeting in G2 at 6.30pm.
  • 1st September in G2 at 6.30pm.
  • 3rd November in G2 at 6.30pm
  • 1st December in G2 at 6.30pm.