the Way, the Truth, the Life 07 4725 2082

Junior: Prep - Year 6

It is easy to think of primary schooling as first the teaching of basic skills and later as a preparation for secondary school and adult life. While primary education does fulfil those roles, at Annandale Christian College, we see it as having far more meaning than that.

We expect that students will look back on this part of their life with wonderful memories of the pleasure of learning and of participating in the rich variety of the curriculum and the life of the school.

While primary education does fulfil those roles, at Annandale Christian College, we see it as having far more meaning than that. We expect that students will look back on this part of their life with wonderful memories of the pleasure of learning and of participating in the rich variety of the curriculum and the life of the school.

The Primary School provides a secure, stimulating and friendly environment for the childhood years. After completing our Kindergarten curriculum, students transition smoothly into a stage of schooling that is vibrant and academically, socially, physically and spiritually extensive, built on the Biblical understanding that all things are held together in Christ. Passionate, professional teachers, ensure a strong literacy and numeracy focus throughout an integrated curriculum, and excursions, extra-curricular activities, and positive cross-class links create a rich learning environment for each child.

We understand that each child is unique and we value their diversity and seek to cater for their different learning needs. Teaching approaches are varied to focus on helping each learner to be thoughtful and successful in each area of learning to the best of their ability. Students are expected to contribute to the creation of a learning community that acknowledges their own individual interests but values mutual support and co-operation with others too.

While children work at different levels, we see it as vital that each of them is challenged in thought-provoking activities across the whole curriculum. Our students score well on outside testing programs, but our concerns extend to a much wider and richer range of performances than will be shown by specific tests.

Much of the content is taught through a series of rich Integrated Studies specifically designed for each phase of learning and encompassing the Australian Curriculum in:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Studies of Society and Environment;
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Languages Education (Mandarin)
  • Digital and Design Technologies; and
  • The Arts (Visual Art, Media Art, Music, Dance, Drama)

Teachers recognise the benefits to learners of hands-on activities and the college is well-resourced with materials to support this approach. To complement the strong learning relationships built with their own classroom and specialist teachers (Physical Education, Performing Arts and Mandarin), students also have the advantage of access to specialist Secondary teachers and facilities such as those for Science, Industrial and Food Technologies, and Computer Studies. This benefit, along with the Student Council and other whole College events, helps facilitate a smooth transition for our Year 6 students into the Secondary phase of their education.