the Way, the Truth, the Life 07 4725 2082


Annandale Christian College is committed to the education, growth and development of each student.

All of our staff have a daily influence in the lives of our students (and we are proud of the very positive relationships that exist between staff and students) but our College Chaplains play a special role in the College community.

The role of Chaplain is flexible within a documented Position Description and Code of Conduct, and may include many formal and informal services relevant to a range of student ages. In general, the role works within the context of Annandale Christian College’s distinctive Christian ethos; is available to all students and families regardless of religious background; is accessed by self-referral, or by request of a parent or staff member; and supports the College in its aim to be a safe and caring environment. 

Chaplains Danielle Bassett and Brendon Staszinszky serve the student body by, amongst other things:

  • being a positive role model for students;
  • providing a listening ear for students who have a need to talk about their concerns or other issues;
  • providing pastoral care;
  • praying with students who seek this support;
  • attending College camps;
  • organising ‘Chappie’ breakfasts;
  • supporting student-led prayer and Bible study groups;
  • running an after-school fitness program;
  • facilitating links to other community resources and support services;
  • providing support in grief, family breakdown and other crisis situations as personally requested by a staff member, student and/or parent; and
  • helping with sports activities, musical productions or other things to which personal skills and experience might contribute.

When enrolling at Annandale, families enter into a partnership that is based on Christian education. So while participation in Chaplaincy events is not compulsory for students, the above examples of Chaplaincy activities arise from the agreed partnership between home and school.

College community consultation about the role of Chaplain is facilitated through the annual Parent and Guardian Satisfaction and Feedback Survey and in other informal ways throughout the year. Any complaints about the Chaplaincy service in general or any specific action by a Chaplain is dealt with in accordance with both College policies (including the College’s Grievance Policy) and the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program (NSCSWP) Guidelines. The Principal, Mr Marcelle Calitz, serves as the Complaints Officer for the purposes of the National Schools Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.


The position of College Chaplain is financially supported through the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) under the NSCSWP (400 hours); Parents and Friends (P&F) fund-raising; and private donations.

Any evaluation surveys conducted must ask participants if they are aware of the source of funding for the activity and, if so, how they became aware of the funding source. The Funding Recipient must provide to the Australian Government or its agent, if requested, any National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program materials for placement on the Department’s website, or for use in any other Australian Government or Departmental publication.